About the Journal



WELL-BEING: Journal of Social Welfare is a journal owned by the Halu Oleo University Institute, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. This journal is published by the Department of Social Welfare twice a year, namely in June and December, this journal is intended as a publication medium for the research results of students, lecturers, and the general public focusing on the scientific field of social welfare.


ISSN  : 2722-7960 (Online)
DOI : Prefix 10.52423 by Crossref 
Publisher : Department of Social Welfare Sciences, FISIP UHO
Frequency : 2 issues in a year (June and December)
APC : -
Accreditation : -
Editor In Chief : Irvon Fallz, S.Sos.,M.A.P
Citation Analysis : Dimension, Google Scholar, Garuda


Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): JUNE
					View Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): JUNE
Published: 2024-08-11


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