Implementation of Skill Learning in Self-Development of Visually Handicapped Children (Study at Kusuma Bangsa Extraordinary School Kendari City)


  • Nurfitriani Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Juhaepa Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Megawati Asrul Tawulo Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia



Implementation, Skills Learning, Self-Development, Children with Disabilities


This study aims to determine the components of skill learning and the implementation of skill learning for self-development of children with disabilities at Kusuma Bangsa Extraordinary School. This type of research uses a qualitative research approach. The determination of informants in this study uses  the Purposive Sampling  method so that the informants are teachers and children with disabilities The data sources used in this study are Primary and Secondary Data. The data collection techniques used are observation, interview, and documentation methods. The data analysis technique uses a qualitative approach through qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of this study show that skill learning for children with disabilities has a well-organized structure. The goal is to train students' independence and entrepreneurship. The learning components include objectives, educators, learners, materials, methods, media, and evaluation. Implementation is carried out once a week with three stages: beginning, core, and end. The method used is hands-on practice, with materials from the internet and media in the form of necessary tools and materials. Evaluation is carried out through oral questions after learning. Although only two teachers are in primary charge, other teachers help in implementation. This learning is tailored to children's interests, demonstrating a student-centred approach in developing practical skills for students' futures


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How to Cite

Nurfitriani, Juhaepa, & Megawati Asrul Tawulo. (2024). Implementation of Skill Learning in Self-Development of Visually Handicapped Children (Study at Kusuma Bangsa Extraordinary School Kendari City). Well-Being: Journal of Social Welfare, 5(1), 1–12.


