The Role of Social Workers at the Social Department of Kendari City in Psychosocial Recovery of Child Victims of Sexual Violence


  • Kadir Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Arsyad Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Tanzil Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia



Social Workers, Children, Sexual Violence, Psychosocial Recovery


This study aims to understand and find out the role of workers in psychosocial assistance for children victims of sexual violence at the Kendari City Social Departement. Qualitative descriptive methods are used to describe social situations related to the role and stages of mentoring. The research informants were selected through purposive sampling, including social workers, psychologists, victims' children, and parents. The data in this study was obtained through interviews, observations and documentation studies, the data obtained was then analyzed qualitatively with an interactive model consisting of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawn. The results of the study show that the psychological rehabilitation of child victims of sexual abuse involves several important phases. Educational programs on recovery and mental health help children understand and manage the psychological impact of experienced violence. Social support from family, friends, and the community is also crucial in the healing process, making children feel welcome and supported. Social workers act as mediators, educators, and motivators in this process. They help children cope with the adverse effects of their experiences, establish safe communication, and formulate effective recovery plans. In addition, social workers provide information to the community about the psychological impact of sexual violence and help children learn good coping mechanisms. This psychosocial support typically results in a noticeable improvement in the physical and mental health of the victim's children, allowing them to recover from trauma, improve mental health, and rebuild positive social relationships.


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How to Cite

Kadir, Muhammad Arsyad, & Tanzil. (2024). The Role of Social Workers at the Social Department of Kendari City in Psychosocial Recovery of Child Victims of Sexual Violence. Well-Being: Journal of Social Welfare, 5(1), 88–99.


