Intervention of the Village Children's Love Expedition Community in Labulawa Village, Pasir Putih District, Muna Regency in the Field of Education for School-Age Children in Remote Areas


  • Anggit Pradana Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Bahtiar Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Dewi Anggaraini Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia



Intervention, Community, Education, School-Aged Children, Remote Areas


This study aims to describe the intervention carried out by the Village Children's Love Expedition Community in the field of education for school-age children in remote areas. In this study, a qualitative descriptive method is used. The determination of informants in this study uses the Purposive Sampling method and the informants in this study include the Village Children's Love Expedition Community Management, Volunteers involved in the activities carried out by the community, the community and children at the location of the activity. The data sources used in this study are Primary Data and Secondary Data. The data collection techniques in this study use interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The data analysis technique in this study uses data reduction, presentation and verification techniques. The results of this study show that the intervention carried out by the Village Children's Love Expedition Community is carried out through several programs, namely Regular Teaching, Afternoon Teaching, Environmental Care Program, Tree of Hope, "Early New Year's Gift" Donation Program, Quran and Iqro Donation Program, and Village Children's Competition Program. The stages of Intervention carried out by the Village Children's Love Expedition Community, namely the preparation stage, are divided into several stages, namely the officer preparation stage (Volunteer Recruitment and Training), funding preparation, regional feasibility study, and expedition activity licensing process. The stage of assessing the needs of children at the expedition location. Planning stage, Action plan formulation stage, Program implementation or implementation stage, Evaluation stage, and Termination stage.


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How to Cite

Anggit Pradana, Bahtiar, & Dewi Anggaraini. (2024). Intervention of the Village Children’s Love Expedition Community in Labulawa Village, Pasir Putih District, Muna Regency in the Field of Education for School-Age Children in Remote Areas . Well-Being: Journal of Social Welfare, 5(1), 36–48.


