The Impact of the Existence of Walengkabola Beach Tourism in Increasing Traders' Income in the Beach Area of Oempu Village, Tongkuno District, Muna Regency


  • Sukmawati Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Suharty Roslan Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Amin Tunda Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia



Impact, Beach Tourism, Revenue


The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that encourage people to trade in the Walengkabola Beach Tourism Area located in Oempu Village, Tongkuno District, Muna Regency, as well as how the presence of the tourism industry affects trade. traders' income in Oempu Village, Tongkuno District, Muna Regency. The primary data used in this study to answer research questions came from observations and interviews, while secondary data was information about geographical conditions and records came from secondary sources. Sampling is a method used to take samples. The three-step data analysis approach of descriptive analysis is data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawn. The results of this study show that the causes of traders selling in tourist areas consist of 3 reasons, namely strategic location, fast distance traveled by traders, and different commodity prices from those in the market. Meanwhile, the impact of the existence of the Walengkabola beach tourist attraction on the merchant community has an impact on increasing the income of the merchant community where the income obtained doubles or even more if they trade on long holidays. Job opportunities, with the existence of walengkabola beach, also help the government provide solutions to the problem of unemployment. And interpersonal relationships that do not only occur to traders, but their relationship with service providers is also harmonious.


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How to Cite

Sukmawati, Suharty Roslan, & Amin Tunda. (2024). The Impact of the Existence of Walengkabola Beach Tourism in Increasing Traders’ Income in the Beach Area of Oempu Village, Tongkuno District, Muna Regency. Well-Being: Journal of Social Welfare, 5(1), 26–35.


