The Impact of Industrial Activities of PT. Jhonlin Batu Mandiri on Socio-Economic Changes in the Community of Watu Watu Village, Lantari Jaya District, Bombana Regency


  • Tiara Gusma Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Bakri Yusuf Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Lutfiana Nur Azizah Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia



Industry, Impact, Social Economy


This study aims to describe and determine the social impact and economic impact of industrial activities of PT. Jhonlin Batu Mandiri to the community in Watu Watu Village, Lantasari Jaya District, Bombana Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach, the informants in the study amounted to 8 people who were selected by the purposive sampling technique, the data in the study was obtained through observation, interviews and documentation studies, the data obtained was then analyzed qualitatively with an interactive model consisting of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawn. The results in this study show that 1) Social Impact The presence of industrial companies has increased the level of public education due to the minimum work requirement of a high school diploma. However, the negative impact is environmental pollution that affects public health. Nevertheless, housing conditions have met welfare indicators. Conflicts between local communities and immigrants occur due to misunderstandings in communication. Social relations have also undergone changes, where people tend to focus more on personal efforts and only contribute financially to social activities; and 2) The economic impact of industry in Watu Watu Village is very significant. The presence of PT. Jhonlin Batu Mandiri opens new business opportunities such as boarding houses, food stalls, and restaurants. Many residents are switching from agriculture to the service sector to meet the needs of companies and their employees. Public awareness of the importance of saving is also increasing, especially for the future and children's education. The increase in consumption is evident compared to before the existence of PT. Jhonlin Batu Mandiri, with more food options tailored to income. Overall, the existence of industry has changed the economic pattern and lifestyle of the people of Watu Watu Village.


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How to Cite

Tiara Gusma, Bakri Yusuf, & Lutfiana Nur Azizah. (2024). The Impact of Industrial Activities of PT. Jhonlin Batu Mandiri on Socio-Economic Changes in the Community of Watu Watu Village, Lantari Jaya District, Bombana Regency. Well-Being: Journal of Social Welfare, 5(1), 140–151.


